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Regulations on the Publishing Activities of the Free University

Published onMay 16, 2023
Regulations on the Publishing Activities of the Free University

General Principles

The Free University is, among other things, a new type of publishing house that produces books, journals, and educational materials, combining the traditional tasks of academic and educational publishing aimed at the international scholarly community with publishing work for students and professors who have been deprived of direct communication and customary university practices for an extended period.

The Free University Press operates in the interests of the University community and is an integral part of it, adhering to its Charter and declaration of values. In its work, the Press is guided by principles of integrity and transparency, as well as the recommendations of international scholarly publishing associations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), and others. We comply with the requirements of the “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications” declaration by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP). These general principles are detailed in guiding documents (Publication Ethics, Manuscript Submission Guidelines [Author Guidelines], Peer Review Guidelines), which are created and annually updated by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee.

The Free University Press is independent of both the Academic Council and the Governing Board but is accountable in its activities to the Audit Commission of the Free University.

We strive to give a voice not only to professors and students of the Free University but also to other authors who share the same values. Publication is possible in any language, provided that the Press is able to evaluate and peer-review the text.

Editorial Board of the Book Publishing House and Editorial Committee of the Journal

2.0. The Editorial Board of the Book Publishing House and the Editorial Committee of the Journal are independent bodies, each responsible for its respective area: the former oversees the book publications of the Free University, while the latter is responsible for the publication of the Free University’s journal.

2.1. The Editorial Board consists of two representatives from each faculty (school) of the University. The Board has the right to co-opt external experts. The Board organizes and oversees the scholarly aspect of the publishing process (excluding the preparation of the journal Palladium), and its primary accountability lies in the publications themselves, which contain comprehensive information in their imprint.

The Editorial Board plans the publishing process, sets priorities, ensures the receipt of manuscripts and proposals for publishing projects, conducts peer review (including external or multilateral review), manages communication with authors and reviewers, and ensures adherence to deadlines and ethical guidelines. When necessary, the Board collaborates with the Budget Committee.

2.2. The Editorial Committee of the journal Palladium is formed from delegates of the faculties (one delegate from each faculty). The Editorial Committee organizes and oversees the scholarly aspect of the publishing process, forming editorial boards for thematic issues and entrusting one or more editors with the preparation of each journal issue. It also ensures the peer review of articles.

Publications of the Free University

3.1. Palladium Journal

Palladium (ΠΑΛΛΑΔΙΟΝ, ISSN 2592-9232, eISSN 2592-916X) is an academic periodical of the Free University. The selection and evaluation of manuscripts involve double-blind and multilateral peer review. The composition of the journal’s Editorial Committee, as well as the names of the issue editors and members of the thematic editorial board, are listed in the imprint of each journal issue.

3.2. Books

Manuscripts are accepted for consideration from both professors of the Free University and those recommended by them. A mandatory requirement for publication is at least two positive reviews: one from a University professor and one external review. The names of the reviewers are indicated in the imprint of the books.

3.3. Methodological Guides

This category of publications (primarily electronic) meets the University’s internal needs for educational and methodological literature. A request for publication is submitted by a faculty, school, or other department of the University. Prior to this, the manuscript of the guide must undergo internal scholarly review within the respective faculty (school).

3.4. Preprints

The publishing house accepts manuscripts from professors of the Free University for open depositing on the website (without scholarly peer review).

Open License

In accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), the Free University adheres to a policy of ensuring open access to electronic publications. Unless otherwise stipulated by an individual agreement between the author and the Free University, all publications are released under open Creative Commons licenses, which legally formalize open access.

Authors provide consent in simple written form for the publication of each work. Consent is also considered given when a work is authorized for submission in the publishing system on, and the author selects a Creative Commons license through the publishing platform, under the terms of which the author permits publication.

Creative Commons open licenses are simple (non-exclusive) adhesion licenses that retain the author’s basic copyrights. These licenses allow the author to grant the University and readers the right to use their work worldwide for the entire duration of the copyright: to make it openly accessible, reproduce, publicly perform, and distribute it. Depending on the type of license, the author may impose restrictions on the use of their work, such as prohibiting commercial use and/or the creation of derivative works (e.g., translations), or requiring that any derivatives be licensed under the same Creative Commons license, and so on.

The author has the right to choose among the various Creative Commons license options. By default—in line with the recommendations of cOAlition S, the European Commission, and the European Research Council (ERC)—authors are encouraged to select the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).


All publications are free of charge for authors. The Free University does not provide paid publishing services to authors or organizations (e.g., it does not charge article processing fees, etc.).

Publishing projects and grant-funded scientific publications are financed in the same manner as other projects requiring funding, in accordance with the University’s Charter.

Production and Distribution of Publications

The Director of the Publishing House is appointed by the Academic Council of the Free University for a term of five years. The Director is responsible for licensing agreements, the organization of production, and the distribution of the University’s publications. Publications may be hosted and distributed through the following channels:

  • Online on the publishing house’s website,;

  • By depositing and indexing digital publications in open-access repositories (e. g., Internet Archive, DOAJ, DOAB, etc.);

  • Through commercial digital distribution via b2b and b2c services (e.g., JSTOR, Bookwire, etc.);

  • As printed editions.

Contact Information
publisher @ / vharitonov @

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